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Alternative Christmas Countdown 2016

For those of you who follow the Facebook / Twitter feed will know already that this year I ran another Alt Christmas countdown with each day bringing something Alt. Christmas related be it a piece of music, a review or a short film as we countdown to Christmas!

You can also check out the original 2013 countdown here

Krampus In The Corner
The alt Christmas alternative for those kids too hip for "Elf on a Shelf" created by Silent Orchid Studios based on the character from Germanic folklaw who punished naughy children at Christmastime.

Patton Oswalt - Christmas Shoes
Patton delves into possibly one of the worst Christmas songs ever.

Wes Anderson Christmas

Inititally mistaken for a new Wes Anderson feature. Here though he crams in a brief runtime his distinctive style and characters to create a charming little short which sadly has already been butchered for its TV release, but here it is in its original form.

DRYVRS Ep.1 - Just Me In The House By Myself starring Macaulay Culkin
Ever wondered what happened to Kevin after the first two "Home Alone" movies?

Christmas Carolling with Rowdy Roddy Piper
The legendry Rowdy Roddy Piper takes us through his alternative take on the 12 days of Christmas with a voice like melted gold.
Santa Vs. Jesus Wrestling
The battle for Christmas is waged in the ring thanks to Freakshow Wrestling
Bonus:Knockouts Santa's Workshop Streetfight - From TNA wrestling this match from the glory days of their Knockout Division is not only festive themed but features Christy Hemme going nuts with a doll, before getting full on kicked in the chest.
John Water's Why I Love Christmas
The maestro of bad taste cinema shares his thoughts on the holiday season. 

Weird Al Yankovic - Christmas at Ground Zero
Santa With Muscles
The Franchise Killer Hulk Hogan kills his own acting career, but is it really as bad as IMDB would have you belive it is?

Nick Helm - (Hey Johnny) There Ain't No MotherFuckin' Santa Claus

Surely the song we should all be pushing for the Christmas number 1!


Hunter S. Thompson Sets Christmas Tree On Fire, Nearly Burns His House Down
Not even Christmas is free from Thompson's trademark brand of chaos as seen here by the raging inferno he unleashes.


Short horror film by Jason Eisener (Hobo With A Shotgun) as the Christmas trees decide to revolt and take revenge on the humans. A fun little short outside of the ending which arguable goes too far, but the lead up is packed with his usual neo-grindhouse charms.

The Spirit of Christmas Shorts

Before South Park Trey Parker and Matt Stone gave us these two short films, which would lay the template for South Park, while becoming cult favourites on the tape trading scene.

Jesus Vs. Frosty (1992)

Jesus Vs. Santa (1995)

Psycho Santa Pranks

I love a bad Santa so needless to say this series of pranks really tap into what I love about the Alt. Christmas season.

Kaiju Christmas

Thanks to August Ragone for this fun track
Bobcat GoldWait on the True Meaning of Christmas
Boy competitions where a lot better back in the late 80's. I just love the fact that MTV essentially missed the message of "Scrooged" by letting you be your very own Tyrant

Liam Nesson Auditions as a Shopping Mall Santa

So wonderfully creepy it makes me hope that they sign him up for an Alt Christmas movie soon!

Jimmy Kimmel - I Gave My Kids A Terrible Present
What's the point of having kids if you can't torment the hell out them right? Needless to say these kids were less than thrilled with this one.

Full Metal Rudolph

Hmm the opening of Full Metal Jacket and the children's classic "Rudolph" because those two things go together

Bonus:Apocalypse Pooh - Because who doesm't want to see the Hundred Acre Wood spliced with Francis Ford Coppola's Vietnam classic

Star Trek Christmas Decorations

Yours for a mere $199
A list of my favourite Christmas episodes from "Black Mirror" and "South Park" through to the one episode of "How I Met Your Mother" that's actually still worth watching.  

Pee Wee's Playhouse Christmas Special

While this never made it over to the UK, watching it now its hard not to get caught up in just how wholesome and fun it is. Also how long is that guest list!

Happy Christmas to all my readers and friends. Thanks for your continued support and here's to a kickass 2017!!

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