Taking inspiration from Patton Oswalt's "100 Favourite Movie Moments" which he includes along with several other pieces of writing at the end of his book "Silver Screen Fiend" I thought I would throw out my own 100 movie moments which have stayed with me since I saw them.
When compiling the list I have tried to avoid listing the usual favourites such as the "You talkin to me" scene from "Taxi Driver" or the "bigger boat" scene from "Jaws" as while they are still unquestionably great scenes, their inclusion in this list would only take away space from more less known but none the less essential film moments. Of course it equally goes without saying that this list really is a reflection of my thoughts at the time of writing and like any film junkies top 10 list any number of titles could be replaced with newer discoveries depending on my mood though I would hope that this list even as time passes still provide some kind of insight into my movie watching experiences.
1. The recently dumped Zuckerberg creates “Facemash” – The Social Network
2. Neo-Tokyo bike ride – Akira
3. Introducing “Monster Island” – Destroy All Monsters
4. The Moloko Milk Bar opening – A Clockwork Orange
5. The Human Caterpillar rolls a cigarette – Freaks
6. Kathryn teaches Cecile how to kiss – Cruel Intentions
7. Major Kong riding the Atom bomb – Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love The Bomb
8. Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris fight to the death at the colosseum – Way of the Dragon
9. Why do I have to be Mr. Pink? – Reservoir Dogs
10. The House of Blue Leaves massacre – Kill Bill
11. Samuel L. Jacksons motivation speech is suddenly cut short by a surprise shark attack – Deep Blue Sea
12. Jacques car – The Big Blue
13. Bob arrives in Tokyo – Lost In Translation
14. Only the French would put a cinema inside a palace – The Dreamers
15. It’s not about the coffee in my kitchen – Pulp Fiction
16. Tank Joyride – Buffalo Soldiers
17. Pilot takes fluid Karma and dances to the Killers “All These Things That I’ve Done” – Southland Tales
18. The parents revenge – Lady Vengeance
19. Olive mimicking pageant contest winners – Little Miss Sunshine
20. The Tanker Chase – Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior
21. The squid scene – Oldboy
22. Death Star contractors – Clerks
23. Asami listens to the phone ring while the sack thrashes – Audition
24. Jason’s surprise appearance – Friday the 13th
25. This is Bat Country – Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas
26. Michaud stares down the bomb – The X files: Fight The Future
27. Hans Gruber – Die Hard
28. Alleyway fight – Big Trouble In Little China
29. Popo The Puppet – Beerfest
30. The opening Knight Rider pursuit – Mad Max
31. The gangs heading to the meeting – The Warriors
32. Eric Draven becomes the Crow – The Crow
33. The support groups – Fight Club
34. The sign language sex scene – Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance
35. Valentine’s Day is a holiday invented by greeting card companies to make people feel like crap – Eternal Sunshine of theSpotless mind
36. Brundel Fly begs for death – The Fly (1986)
37. Kint loses the limp – The Usual Suspects
38. John Does’ Apartment – Seven
39. The opening tea-house bust – Hard Boiled
40. Matt, Jack and Leroy reunite one last time for the Mythical Big Wednesday – Big Wednesday
41. The Chest Burster- Alien
42. The final test at the resturant - Nikita
43. Dr. Dealgood introduces Thunderdome – Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
44. Guido explains the “No Jews” sign – Life is Beautiful
45. King Kong makes his last stand on the Empire State building - King Kong
46. Andre’s fly head reveal – The Fly (1958)
47. Marion is killed in the shower – Psycho
48. Well I’m a little Bi-Furious – Scott Pilgrim Versus the World
49. Buffalo Bill dances to Q-Lazurus “Goodbye Horses” – Silence of the Lambs
50. Mecha-King Ghidorah is revealed – Godzilla Vs. King Ghidorah
51. Putting out the Engine fire – Mad Max: Fury Road
52. The Lords of Death – Babycart at the River Styx
53. Magot’s missing years revealed – The Royal Tennenbaums
54. The restaurant explosion – Brazil
55. Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to Violence – Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!
56. The Naughty or Nice list – Christmas Evil
57. The truck flip – Death Race
58. Euthanasia day at the old folks home – Death Race 2000
59. The dance routine – Silver Linings Playbook
60. The secret of Shell Beach is revealed – Dark City
61. Buttons the Clown is arrested – Greatest Show On Earth
62. I need a room you mean old bastard – From Dusk Till Dawn
63. The Training Video – Battle Royale
64. The cut away boat – The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
65. Stansfield on Mozart – Leon
66. The Pink Room – Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
67. Pinback gets stuck in the lift – Dark Star
68. The Wicker Man is revealed – The Wicker Man
69. The siege of Tir Asleen – Willow
70. The Dude’s dream sequence – The Big Lebowski
71. The curb stomp – American History X
72. Chen final showdown with Fujita – Fist of Legend
73. Lee in the room of mirrors – Enter the Dragon
74. Ip Man Vs. 10 Japanese Black Belts - Ip Man
75. Chase through dreams – Paprika
76. The Stink Spirit – Spirited Away
77. Donnie rides home soundtrack to “The Killing Moon” by Echo and the Bunnymen – Donnie Darko
78. Randy and the former legends at the fan signing – The Wrestler
79. Pawning the TV – Requiem for a Dream
80. The Cook – Spun
81. The Buyers market – 8mm
82. The funeral procession – Stone
83. Exploding Head – Scanners
84. The Alternative opening timeline – Watchmen
85. Gamera does the parallel bars – Gamera vs Guiron
86. Enid and Rebecca flip off the school – Ghost World
87. Leatherface swinging his chainsaw at the sunrise – The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
88. Playing the reel of confiscated scenes – Cinema Paradiso
89. The Gremlin drawing on the table in the bar – Gremlins
90. The lady in red prelude – Sin City
91. The weapons room fight – Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
92. Breakfast with the Pin – Brick
93. Buster Keaton tossing railway sleepers – The General
94. Dillion and Ripley face off over the breakfast table – Alien3
95. Hans Landa and Shosanna eating strudel - Inglourious Basterds
96. Chang singing Karaoke – Only God Forgives
97. Frank Mackey’s seminar – Magnolia
98. Metatron appears to Bethany – Dogma
99. The Lair of the Pale Man – Pan’s Labyrinth
100. Gris licks the blood from the bathroom floor - Cronos